Acne Specialist

Irina Gressel, MD
Primary Care & Aesthetic Physician located in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, NY
The American Academy of Dermatology Association states that acne is the single most common skin condition in the nation, impacting the lives of some 50 million Americans every year. For those living in Irina Gressel, MD, her team can help get your acne under control so you can feel confident about your skin. Schedule an appointment at their office in Fort Greene, Brooklyn, near the Barclays Center in New York, to get started, either using the simple online scheduling tool or by reaching out to the office by phone.
Acne Q & A
Are all breakouts considered acne?
Everyone has an occasional breakout, especially during adolescence. Acne, however, is a chronic condition in which your hair follicles and pores become clogged and inflamed.
Acne can take numerous forms, including:
- Clogged pores with either a dark plug (blackhead) or a pus-filled tip (whitehead)
- Tender, swollen, red bumps called pimples
- Pustules, or bumps filled with pus
- Cysts, or pimples located in the deeper layers of your skin
Acne is most commonly found on your face, shoulders, chest, or back.
What causes acne?
Conventional wisdom used to hold that factors like your diet, stress levels, or dirty skin could cause acne. Today, dermatologists understand that acne is caused by a combination of factors, including:
- Excessive oil production
- Clogged hair follicles
- Bacteria
- Excessive hormone production
None of these factors is within your control, so there’s no reason to feel ashamed of acne or believe that it’s a sign of poor hygiene or a bad diet.
When should I see a doctor about acne treatment?
There is a multitude of over-the-counter products marketed for acne treatment. If you only have a mild case of acne, these products might be sufficient to clear up your complexion.
However, if your acne doesn’t clear up after a few weeks of self-care, or if breakouts worsen or become painful, it may be time to see a professional.
What are my treatment options for acne?
There are several ways you can take control over acne. Depending on the severity of your case, Dr. Gressel recommends treatment plans that might include:
Blue light therapy
FDA-approved, noninvasive blue light therapy helps treat acne because of its antimicrobial effects. Blue light waves can reduce several types of bacteria that collect in pores and contribute to acne breakouts.
PRP therapy
One of the fastest-growing methods for acne treatment is called platelet-rich plasma (PRP). This type of treatment uses platelets from your own blood to regenerate cell growth and create smoother skin.
Oral medication
Oral medication includes antibiotics to reduce painful swelling and hormone-balancing methods, like contraceptive pills and anti-androgen agents.
Topical medication
Topical medication includes creams and gels that you apply directly to problem skin areas. They vary in strength, from mild to prescription, and include retinoids, salicylic and azelaic acid, and antibiotics.
An acne treatment program typically includes several of these used in conjunction.
Don't hide your skin away. Partner with Dr. Gressel and take the first steps toward a healthy, glowing complexion. Find out more — call the practice or book an appointment through this website.